Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Association Park

Saturday, Apr 12, 2025 at 9:00am
Association/Grant Park
Park and Grant Streets

Come on out for our annual Easter Egg Hunt!
This event is free and open to anyone is the public and has been sponsored by the Hightstown East Windsor Lions Club. This event has been provided for the community by the Lions Club for over 90 years. Help us continue to keep this long standing tradition. If you are interested in becoming a Lion, ask us!

Things to know:
- The Egg Hunt will start promptly at 9:00 am. When you arrive please line up around the perimeter of the park. If you need to get to the other side, please walk around, do not cut through the middle of the park.
- Bring your own bag/baskets!
- There will be two age groups. 5 and under will line up on the playground side of the park. 6 and older on the other side.
- Children will be searching for chips hidden throughout the park. The chips can be turned in for chocolate prizes. There will be a few special eggs hidden for special prizes.

Rain date will be April 19th