Join us for the 46th annual South Shore YMCA Corn Festival
Popular with families and neighbors across the region, our annual Corn Festival is a family-friendly event that celebrates the natural and cultural traditions surrounding the fall harvest in New England. Enjoy historical interpreters and storytellers, 4H farm animals, traditional crafts, live music (oldies, bluegrass, folk, country, and more), hay rides, corn maze, pony rides, games, and so much more.
Events, Entertainment, Food and Beverage
Free Activities and Entertainment
Arts and Crafts
Corn Pits
Live music
Professor Jim's Corn Lab
Passport Scavenger Hunt
Cooking Demo at the SSYMCA Family Farm
Trail walks to the SSYMCA Family Farm
Family Drum Circle with the South Shore Conservatory
and More!
Paid Events and Entertainment
Pony Rides
Petting Zoo
Face Painting
Pumpkin Decorating
HAY! Hayride
Food and Beverage
Concessions: Includes "World Famous" South Shore Y Natural Science Center Corn Chowder, corn muffins, cornbread, popcorn, corn on the cob, and more.
Food Trucks: Food for purchase from individual vendors