He has travelled the globe looking for sounds that resonate with him. "I like finding common ground for different music traditions, a space where music from around the world can come together," Cook explains. "A place where modern sounds can mix with ancient timbres."
"There are many borders in our lives. Some others have built, some we create for ourselves. Whenever I venture beyond the borders of my life, I have been the better for it. I grew up in the cold war, in a world of walls and borders. But then people began to change the way they thought. The walls came down. Europe united, and people began thinking of themselves as global citizens. The rising nationalism of today is exploiting our differences, not celebrating them. We are back to building walls, and I don't want any part of it. Humanity, artistry, joy, and of course, love...these things don't stop at some line on the map. If music is the universal language, maybe there is something it can teach us?"