Lifesaving Sangha: Spring Mindfulness Workshop with Sean Baggett

Wednesday, May 1, 2024 from 7:00pm to 8:00pm
Hull Lifesaving Museum
1117 Nantasket Avenue

Stop Over Thinking by Nick Trenton: Techniques to Relieve Stress, Stop Negative Spirals, Declutter Your Mind, and Focus on the Present. We will walk through the obstacles with detailed and proven techniques to help rewire brain control of our thoughts and change our mental habits. These sessions will also include a period of insight meditation. If you are an experienced mindfulness practitioner, or at the beginning of your journey, or just curious, come on in and join us. All are welcome. To learn more please email or call us at 781-925-5433.

Wednesday Evenings

March 20 - May 1, 2024

$35 per person

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