Join our Native community in a sober, family-friendly space.
Schedule :
- Grand Entry: 5:00pm
- Round Dance: 11:30pm
Head Staff :
- Emcee: Steve LaPointe
- Arena Director: Phil Gover
- Head Man: David Atz
- Spiritual Advisor: Flo Blue Thunder
- Head Woman: Sarah Oretegon-Highwalking
- Host Drum: Mile High Singers
- Color Guard: Indigenous Veterans of Colorado
- Head Cooks: Perry/Marie Yellowhawk
For more Info: (720) 690-0221
Powwow Committee advises that this is a community, family-friendly, sobriety event. No alcohol or drugs allowed. Committee/Head Staff not responsible for injury, thefts, damaged property, accidents, and divorces. DPS armed security on-site.