Annual San Antonio Central & South Texas York Rite Festival & Field Day
Want to join the York Rite in Seguin? Here's your opportunity. San Antonio Chapter/Council/Commandery will host courtesy degree work for our degrees.
Degree fees for Seguin:
Chapter: $120.00
Council: $120.00
Commandery: $180.00
Information from San Antonio Chapter/Council/Commandery:
San Antonio Chapter 381 and San Antonio Council 14 will host the Annual San Antonio Central and South Texas York Rite Festival and Field Day at The Alzafar Shrine, Parlors: Free Parking! Easy access, Ground floor , Hcp, restrooms, etc.
8-11am - RA, Royal & Select Masters degrees.
11am - York Rite Conference
12pm - Lunch served by members of San Antonio Chapter , Order of DeMolay
1pm - Continue Yr Conference
2pm - KT Field Day, Red Cross, Malta, Order of the Temple Info and Courtesy work.
Additional Dates: