Sing with Us! Cheshiremen Chorus meets weekly!

Tuesday, Feb 18, 2025 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
The United Church of Christ of Keene, 23 Central Square (Use rear entry off Vernon Street)


For over 72 years, The Keene chapter and Cheshiremen Chorus is Keene's premiere choral organization - with a mission to preserve barbershop harmony singing and serve the community. If you can sing "Happy Birthday" - we have a place for you! We provide everything you'll need to sing and create the Harmony! A great bunch of guys, fun songs, easy learning with audio files that assist with your part (tenor, lead, baritone, and bass) - every Tuesday evening is a refreshing breather from the week's business. Come and open your mind and sing your heart out! Lots more info at: . Come and try this with us! You are welcome any Tuesday!