Join us on the front lawn of the David Davis Mansion for a Spring Festival!
From noon-3pm kids can visit with and have their photo taken with the EASTER BUNNY (suggested donation of $1 to benefit the David Davis Mansion Foundation) and enjoy a read-aloud SPRING STORY in the mansion barn at the below times, in addition to participating in the egg hunt during the specified time for their age group.
Story times will take place at 12:45pm, 1:45pm, and 2:45pm.
The EASTER EGG HUNT will begin at 12:30pm with the following age levels and times:
12:30pm: 2-years-old and under
1:00pm: 3 and 4 years-old
1:30pm: K and 1st grade
2:00pm: 2nd and 3rd grade
2:30pm: 4th and 5th grade