Information on:

Encinitas Parks And Recreation

505 South Vulcan Avenue

About Us:

Join us in the fun. The benefits of these services are endless, including mental and physical well being, family unity, positive self esteem, socialization, fun/challenging experiences and an enhanced quality of life.

The Recreation Services Division is responsible for planning and implementing city-wide special events, such as the Easter Egg Hunt and the Christmas Parade, recreation programming, field use scheduling, staffing the Senior Citizen and Youth Commissions, Family Enrichment Program, Teen Expo, Open Gym Program, the Senior Fair, coordination of park dedications and volunteers, and monitoring Project C.A.R.E.

This Division provides a variety of recreational, educational and sports activities to the public on a fee-for-use basis. Fees are designed to subsidize direct program costs, such as contractual staff, services and supplies, and other related expenditures.

Encinitas Parks And Recreation is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media
