Mission Statement:
Methow Arts Alliance enriches the lives of people living in rural Okanogan County by making the arts an integral and dynamic aspect of community and economic vitality, public education and civic life. Methow Arts recognizes the arts to be an essential part of a thriving community, and engages a diverse population in innovative programs that integrate the arts into the consciousness and experience of people of all ages.
In our region, artists and art organizations present compelling artwork and events that are passionately supported and attended. Professional artists and art organizations thrive, collaborate and drive economic vitality. Public artwork is a part of the appeal and landscape of the area. Quality, sequential arts education is an integral part of Okanogan County Schools and is a positive force in overall student and school success. Arts in our communities are recognized locally, regionally and nationally.
We Value...
-- Thoughtful, innovative strategies.
-- Creativity in our planning and implementation.
-- Openness to new ideas and possibilities.
-- Collaboration with and support of regional business, individuals and institutions.
-- Excellence in our partnerships, programs and delivery of services.
We Believe...
-- The arts foster healthy communities.
-- The arts impact economic vitality.
-- The arts are a positive force in growth.
-- The arts are essential to a complete education.
-- Artists are valuable people.